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Gogel Tire & Auto Repair
327 E Northfield Rd
Livingston, NJ 07039
40.771089 -74.300913
4.89/5.00 average rating
89 reviews
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Thanks gang, as usual excellent service, always made to feel welcome when I come in! Brought in my older Infiniti, a belt would squeal when I start up the car, so really wanted everything looked over, and replaced if needed. I expected I might need tires, belts, hoses, etc. I was waiting outside the service area, when only about 30 minutes later, Dave came out to tell me the belts were fine and everything else looked good (including the brakes that were checked when the tires were rotated). So 30 minutes later, oil & filter changed, tires rotated, everything checked out, I was back on the road. I can always trust the fact that if something needs to be repaired/replaced, it will be done right. I also know that no one will ever try to see me some type or service or part that I don't need! Gogel rocks! Thanks, Joe Hiller
I was offered a same day appt for check of flat tire. But the next day was more convenient for me. When I arrived and asked about an oil change as well, they readily agreed. The prices were fair and the staff very friendly and helpful.
Very pleased with the replacement of tires.
this was the first time , ever that I had to rethink the service that was recommended and how it was performed. My intention is to return and have the bill reviewed. I may be wrong but I need an explanation.
Guys, Service was great. But next time you get into my 2008 caddy put your courtesy floor mates down! I paid $20 to have my driver side mates & rug shampooed because they were full of grease. They are still not right. Jack
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327 E Northfield Rd
Livingston, NJ 07039
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